Monday, 16 September 2013

100 words on my family, favorite animal, ideal job

100 Words on my Family

I live at home with my mother and younger brother named Adam. Adam is three years younger than me. I prefer not to talk to them or have anything to do with my family because we do not get along. My mum and brother get along well. My father left when I was six and so I don’t see him that often and I prefer not to.

My mum works at a pharmacy while my dad works for Silver Fern Farms as a marketing manager.
My brother Adam goes to John McGlashan College and in year 10. He wants to study Physical Education and do Outdoor Educator or be a Fire Fighter as a future job.

100 Words on my Favourite Animal

We have had quite a few pets over the years mainly being cats. Cats would have to be my favourite animal. We have had 3; Pooch who was 19, Munchkin who is 7 and Shrimp who is 4.

Apart from cats I like rats and platypuses’ we have had a few Australian Tree Frogs as well which our neighbor got for us as a gift.
I like cats because they are stupid and they don’t take much to look after them, unlike other pets such as dogs.

100 Words on my Ideal Job

My ideal job would be working in game design or software development behind a computer desk all day. I cannot stand dealing with customers or anything to do with social interaction at a working environment. I would also be interested in graphic design for gaming.
I enjoy gaming a lot and getting a job in the industry would be great and would have to be number one ideal jobs.
As for hours or location I am not bothered about all that, however I would probably move to Aussie in the next few years.

Monday, 2 September 2013

100 word thing

My name is Ben, however most people call be Hurbs. I am currently 18 years old I completed CIT level 3 last semester. Level 3 was good I enjoyed the coding a lot more on Visual Studio than Python which we are currently using in Level 4. In Python we havn't done anywhere near what we can do in Visual Studio so I find it hard. I also liked Visual Studio more because it was more user friendly and it was set out a lot cleaner.

In highschool I attended John McGlashan from 2007-2012 of which I hated school for me was irritating due to not being able to do the classes that I wanted, in early 2012 I gave up on most of my classes to work in the schools IT room, I continued to study English, Math and IT and for the other free periods I spent working with the IT techs.

After this year I plan to move to Wellington and live with my girlfriend and either find work or continue this course through till the degree at Weltec.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Task 18 - 26

Task 18
If I had a random number in cell A2, how could I get it into standard form using Excel functions.

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Task 19
Write a paragraph in your blog explaining how the Sieve of Eratosthanes works. Construct a table that shows the Sieve and write down the first 20 prime numbers. If possible use colour and fonts to show the number patterns.

The sieve of Eratosthenes is one of the most efficient ways to find all of the smaller primes, you start by making a grid of numbers. First start at multiples of two and cross them out, then move on to multiples of three and so on...
Eventually you will have left over numbers that you havn't crossed out, those left overs are prime numbers, an image GIF is provided below to further explain.

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Task 20
Areas. Circles. Have a go at these problems on areas of circles.Take a screen shot of the page and put into your blog.

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Task 21
Find a web page that deals with Pi. Take a screen shot of one that interests you.

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Task 22
What does Excel say that Pi is?
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Task 23
Construct a cell in Excel that gives a random radius between 0 and 10. Beside it calculate the area of a circle with that radius.
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Task 24
Write a blog post that illustrates the area of a rectangle. You'll need a diagram, formula and explanation.

Here we have a rectangle that is two units high and 4 units across.
The math to work out the area of a rectangle is:
Base x Height
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Task 25
Repeat 24 for the area of a triangle.

A triangle is basically half of a rectangle.
The formula we use to calculate the area a triangle is:
½ x base x height
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Task 26

Repeat 24 for the area of a circle.

Radius = 1/2 diameter 

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